Policies knowledge
Networks, practices, actors
University of Limoges, FSLH, Department of Sociology
Thursday 14 and Friday, October 15, 2010 (morning)
Symposium offered by the University of Limoges, Grescoe, the French Association of Sociology and thematic networks
27 (Sociology of Intellectuals and expertise: knowledge and power),
29 (Science and Technical society: knowledge, practices, tools and institutions) and
42 (Sociology of elites)
Thursday, October 14 9 am Opening
Yvon Lamy (University of Limoges, Grescoe)
Laurent Jeanpierre (University Paris 8, Labtop / RT 27, AFS)
9:30 to 11:15
Practical expertise in conflict
Moderation: Shukri Benayed, University of Limoges, Grescoe
Yvon Lamy, University of Limoges, Grescoe
by the Governing knowledge in the arts: the Regional Cultural Observatories
Samuel Bouron, CURAPP - Grescoe
How the National Joint Committee on Employment of journalists "recognize" schools of journalism?
Corinne Delmas, University of Lille 2, CERAPS, UMR CNRS 8026
A hybrid place of expertise: The Centre of stress and mobility forced France Telecom
11:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.
Networks and Places "neutral" between knowledge and power
Moderation: Romain Pudal (Cesspit - Paris)
Marie Clotilde Meillerand, LARHRA, UMR 5190
knowledge in the service of urban planning: the movement Economy and Humanism , 1940-1960
Ryoufreit Thibaut, IEP Lyon, Laboratoire Triangle, UMR 5206
The mobilization of knowledge in the production Socialist Program
Anaïs Théviot, IEP Bordeaux SPIRIT
Inside Look at Terra Nova
2:30 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. The rise of a managerial paradigm Government
Moderation: Ashveen Peerbaye (University of Paris-Marne-la-Vallée)
Odile Henry, University Paris Dauphine, and IRISSO Cesspit
rationalization of the French economy: neutral sites and knowledge production, 1926-1942
Antoine Derouet, Centre Maurice Halbwachs, Team PRO, EHESS
From organization to management: the contribution of the National Organization French training "administrative" engineers
Michel Daccache, Cesspit / CEMAGREF, Grenoble
The "science of risk 'between knowledge and power. Genesis production, uses and social functions of cindyniques
4:30 p.m. to 6:15 p.m.
govern by economics?
Moderation: Stephen Pénissat (CERAPS, University of Lille 2)
Depecker Thomas, INRA, ALISS
From beef to work on the health worker: economic ethics of nutritional requirements in the nineteenth century
Sabine Rozier, Université Picardie Jules Verne - CURAPP-CNRS
market educator. From citizen to consumer notice: survey on education Economic and financial public
Thomas Angeletti, MPSG, EHESS
The days to stabilize the economy
Friday, October 15
9:30 to 11:15
State Science and Technology
Moderator: Laurent Jeanpierre (Labtop, University Paris 8)
Delimitsos Konstantinos, University of Nancy 2, 2L2S, stains [subject]
Circulation of terms between normative decision makers and new security experts
Gildas Tanguy IEP Toulouse LASSP
Report to the Department ... The prefects and manufacture of administrative reports: institutionalization and systematization of knowledge bureaucratic (1880-1940)
Stephen Pénissat, CERAPS, University Lille 2
"The History is made without us ", or how econometrics supplanted expertise in the sociology of State. For the Department of Labour (1970-2000).
symposium organized with the support of the town of Limoges, Limousin Regional Council, University of Limoges - Faculty of Arts and Humanities, the French Association of Sociology of the RT 27, 29 and 42 of the French Association of Sociology and Grescoe.
Scientific Committee: Philippe Brunet, Eric Dagiral, François-Xavier Dudouet, Aisling Healy, Odile Henry Wiebke Keim, Laurent Jeanpierre, Yvon Lamy Sylvain Laurens, Frédéric Lebaron, Olivier Martin, Romain Pudal, Ashveen Peerbaye Catherine Vilkas Dominique Vinck.
The problem of the function of knowledge in the construction of social order, in the acts of government and policy conduct and behavior is a recurring issue in sociology as a science policy. This conference aims to bring this issue by focusing specifically on the movement and use, but also to the production of knowledge in areas not scholars. Generally, it will be to ask what skills and knowledge which are now more legitimate in the worlds political and administrative, but also economic and managers, and it is possible to affirm that statecraft or dominated by knowledge tends to develop gradually, or even to replace other forms of government or more direct exercise of power.
While the government by the knowledge that in recent years been the subject of much research in political science, for example in the context of public policy analysis, including consideration of the social construction of public problems , you ask here these phenomena from complementary perspectives: those of the sociology of elites, the sociology of science and technology and sociology of intellectuals and expertise. And is expected to shed new light to places less central in the production of policies and sometimes beyond approaches monosectoral of public action. It is also expected to stress the social implementation of these forms of power rather than their own technical and institutional aspects. It will finally move beyond the image given by the generic category of Foucauldian "government" to clarify the forms of exercising power made possible by the accumulation, circulation and release forms of specific knowledge.
policies of knowledge can be understood along three pathways that tend to be combined in analysis to be proposed. These three entry points are, of course, not exhaustive and does not purport to exhaust the investigation.
(1) knowledge policies refer first to a topography places of production and circulation. We will focus on the networks of expertise but also to "neutral site" or hybrids which bring together actors with lifestyles and thinking and social properties usually heterogeneous and remote, as intellectuals and leaders Business, unionists and scientists, etc.. Work on social forms of think tank, the "observatory" social or economic, regional or national level, the clusters on the intellectual journals or specialist at the borders of several social worlds will be particularly welcome in this frame. Medium term views on the historical evolution of social interactions of these "neutral site" will also be appreciated as well as a reflection on the effects of legitimacy from the very name of these places and these environments.
(2) The political knowledge through a multiplicity of technologies . This is probably the one that has generated the most social science research in recent years, as we consider the historical study of the science of government, sociology, statistics and indicators, to search benchmarking, the "factory of public opinion," the instruments of public policy, measurement and risk management, etc.. We focus here in particular to the training process, legitimation and institutionalization of these techniques and knowledge and it will also consider the differences between the uses of intellectual techniques and technical material.
(3) These techniques and networks that form new ways to govern and dominate, however, are activated and used the following strategies actors that sociological analysis must to reconstruct. For this reason, we will pay particular attention to the training of elite political and administrative elites, but also scientific, intellectual and actors of expertise. It will also address many Conflict assessment or measurement (like unemployment or welfare) and their effects as well as the mobilization of knowledge through social movements or groups with a critical ambition. The logic of the social-cons expertise and collective self-expertise (in some surveys as workers) could therefore also be analyzed. One wonders what kind of intellectual engagement directories are mobilized when to use knowledge in the political or administrative.
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