Super fastoche Chinese characters
One of the arguments to demonstrate that their Chinese writing system is not so complicated is to say that the characters are figurative, ie they represent the object.
example 口
You had all understood that this character means mouth, is not it? Well, when we know, we said yes, okay, it's a mouth, not a square, a hole, a pool, a button or another.
Another example 鱼
You do not see? Perhaps with the traditional character that will be simpler: 鱼 But if, think again! Tilt your head sideways ... Still no? But still! It is a fish of course!
I feel that my proof you were not convinced. This is probably because I'm not convinced myself!
But there is still a symbol easy 人
It lacks the head, but it is a person. By changing the character a bit, we can change the meaning. For example, a man with arms 大 , that means big.
A man who takes a shower 火 mean fire. It's normal, it must be of water to extinguish the fire!
A large man in a bar 天 is heaven.
And my favorite, two large man with a penis each 太太 mean ma'am!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Game Shark Pokemon Ruby Vba
award for the second time - Awards for the second time
The second award was given to me by Piiko ( Söpökatu ). Thank you very much for your wonderful Piiko and comment on my blog. It is a story of "great minds meet" ... I had spent the first award at the same time when she had also passed.
This second award WAS Given to me by Piiko ( Söpökatu ). Thanks a lot for your wonderful Piiko and how about my blog. It Is a story of "great minds think alike" ... The award I Had Passed To Her At The Same Time When she HAD aussi Passed it to me.
This award comes from Arte y pico. I should go to 5 people, but this time I pass it to everyone who read my blog.
This award from Arte y pico horns. Should I pass it to 5 people, to this time I pass it to All The People Who read my blog.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Vc-211a Driver Software
tropical island
When you think "tropical island", images that come to mind are the beaches, coconut palms, turquoise sea, the warmth ... Well it's true! Finally, the Caribbean is certainly true, but not everywhere.
Taiwan is bisected by the Tropic of Cancer. Yet, since our arrival on Friday 21, we've had in all and for all 2 minutes of sunshine. Worse yet, it's cold! And yesterday it was 7 ° to 18.30. Right now they do 10 °. We did not expect this. When I read "cold winters" in the guides, I thought it was cool over the summer to 35 °, so around 15-18 °. But no, he had to understand cold, wet and windy (in the north. In the south, it must do more 20 ° right now. The difference is impressive, given that there are only 300km away!)
We're surprised, but also the Taiwanese seem to be: everyone has the clim ', but the houses are not equipped with heating. Add to that the fact that they are very poorly insulated, and you can easily reach temperatures much cooler inside: 12 ° for example. What we do is never really warms up and keep her coat on the inside is more than recommended.
Roll on spring!
When you think "tropical island", images that come to mind are the beaches, coconut palms, turquoise sea, the warmth ... Well it's true! Finally, the Caribbean is certainly true, but not everywhere.
Taiwan is bisected by the Tropic of Cancer. Yet, since our arrival on Friday 21, we've had in all and for all 2 minutes of sunshine. Worse yet, it's cold! And yesterday it was 7 ° to 18.30. Right now they do 10 °. We did not expect this. When I read "cold winters" in the guides, I thought it was cool over the summer to 35 °, so around 15-18 °. But no, he had to understand cold, wet and windy (in the north. In the south, it must do more 20 ° right now. The difference is impressive, given that there are only 300km away!)
We're surprised, but also the Taiwanese seem to be: everyone has the clim ', but the houses are not equipped with heating. Add to that the fact that they are very poorly insulated, and you can easily reach temperatures much cooler inside: 12 ° for example. What we do is never really warms up and keep her coat on the inside is more than recommended.
Roll on spring!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Nokia E71 Camera Flash
The rule is to pass this award to five others. A choice is always difficult ...
The rule Is To Pass The five award to Other People. An Always difficulties choice ...
Piiko - Söpökatu
Kaisa Miltonia - Something Tiny
Margriet - E-Beertje
Yuri - My Dollhouse Days
Those are the cutest blogs, I hope you enjoy them.
They Are Lovely blogs, enjoy 'em as I do.
Ss2 Unlocker Sky Star 2
Welcome and new giveaways - Welcome new and more giveaways
Welcome Weelittlewest, Iluna 45, Mieke, Valentina, Treefeathers, Alison
and Mini Beginnings
Welcome Weelittlewest, Iluna 45, Mieke, Valentina, Treefeathers, Alison
Beginnings and Mini
New giveaways - New Giveaways
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Rubbermaid Spacesaver
Some pictures
I told you there was many scooters in Taipei, there are plenty of bikes! And in some places, parking is problematic. So you can find bike parking facilities on two floors. Do not worry, no need to bring his bike at arm's length, we can lower the rail.
This panel di t: no swimming, it's deep. It's true that Asians in general are quite small but there nonetheless, everyone would walk!
You read correctly, Carrefour is or green until 2 am every day! Poor cashiers, I hope we never asked to follow up one evening and one morning!
A sample meal for 2. The big bowl of noodles it is beef. But there's no meat in it! Only beef broth. One remains hungry for more ...
This panel anti-graffiti gives us the number to be done to expose those that take in flagrante delicto.

I told you there was many scooters in Taipei, there are plenty of bikes! And in some places, parking is problematic. So you can find bike parking facilities on two floors. Do not worry, no need to bring his bike at arm's length, we can lower the rail.

This panel di t: no swimming, it's deep. It's true that Asians in general are quite small but there nonetheless, everyone would walk!

You read correctly, Carrefour is or green until 2 am every day! Poor cashiers, I hope we never asked to follow up one evening and one morning!

A sample meal for 2. The big bowl of noodles it is beef. But there's no meat in it! Only beef broth. One remains hungry for more ...
This panel anti-graffiti gives us the number to be done to expose those that take in flagrante delicto.
Crutches Carbon Fiber
Sleeping in BUBBLE WATER PLAN shines Wittelsheim ..... Daydreaming in his bubble under the stars .....
Is Woolite Ok In He Machines
Our room during Chinese Premier
This week was devoted to finding a room for rent. Just a room, because the apartments are expensive for people who have no income yet. We did not want to spend over 250 euros per month, including Internet and charges. Our favorite room in a shared apartment as we passed under the nose, we opted for one of the rooms rented by Mr. Hsu (it's pronounced "chu").
It is located in a lively area, close to several universities including the one that John is. For my part, I am a twenty minute walk from my Chinese class, so it very convenient, no need to take the metro (but there is only 3 minutes, so no problem for our other releases). Our street is quiet (except tonight, there are announcements of station-style ads that happen to us, we do not know where it came from!)
We live on the 5th without elevator (very good cardio exercise) on the t ilo. This which gives us a nice view. We also visited the rooms without windows, it seems quite common here! So we are very happy with our view!
He drizzle when I took the pictures, then it is a bit stuffy, but if we even see the distant mountains.
Here is the room
is more than 2 times larger than what we had at the inn, we can finally move freely! The bathroom is adjacent, it is shared with 3 other people. We have a fridge and kettle, and there is a microwave and a washing clothes outside. The only problem is that we're not allowed to cook ... We'll see what can be learned from the microwave.
The lease is signed for 3 months then notify you by our situation. If we work, we can afford to rent larger, with kitchenette and bathroom. This room will cost us 200 euros / month all inclusive (apart from clim ', but it is our practice)
This week was devoted to finding a room for rent. Just a room, because the apartments are expensive for people who have no income yet. We did not want to spend over 250 euros per month, including Internet and charges. Our favorite room in a shared apartment as we passed under the nose, we opted for one of the rooms rented by Mr. Hsu (it's pronounced "chu").

It is located in a lively area, close to several universities including the one that John is. For my part, I am a twenty minute walk from my Chinese class, so it very convenient, no need to take the metro (but there is only 3 minutes, so no problem for our other releases). Our street is quiet (except tonight, there are announcements of station-style ads that happen to us, we do not know where it came from!)
We live on the 5th without elevator (very good cardio exercise) on the t ilo. This which gives us a nice view. We also visited the rooms without windows, it seems quite common here! So we are very happy with our view!

He drizzle when I took the pictures, then it is a bit stuffy, but if we even see the distant mountains.

Here is the room

is more than 2 times larger than what we had at the inn, we can finally move freely! The bathroom is adjacent, it is shared with 3 other people. We have a fridge and kettle, and there is a microwave and a washing clothes outside. The only problem is that we're not allowed to cook ... We'll see what can be learned from the microwave.
The lease is signed for 3 months then notify you by our situation. If we work, we can afford to rent larger, with kitchenette and bathroom. This room will cost us 200 euros / month all inclusive (apart from clim ', but it is our practice)
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Will Hiv Rash Appear Alone?
Sometimes, do not rely on first impressions. Against all odds, today's class was great! The teacher is very nice and she seems competent. We spent the entire course to learn the pronunciation, which in Chinese is not an easy task, the 4 tones and consonants, which our ears are not accustomed.
There were 12 names on the list, but we were only 8. And I think that will go, he is too good. So good that I did not even understand where it came from. In terms of others, we have: an Irishman, one French, two Koreans (a couple in their sixties), a Japanese and a Thai. He also was really surprised when I threw "sabai di ka May!
And look what we find in the store of college
But the title is not in the original form (or Martine Martine little mom and birthday) , so we do not know how to say Martine Chinese ...
Monday, January 24, 2011
Dry Mucas Before Period Normal
gift from a friend - this from a friend
This fabulous patchwork quilt was given to me by my friend, Sylvie . She did it well, it was a magical surprise. It's always very touching when someone does something for you, a precious gift.
I Was Offered wonderful patchwork quilt history by my friend, Sylvie. She made it herself, It Was A magical surprise. It Is Always touching When Someone Makes Something Special for you, a precious gift.
Baby Catherine Munière (which I very long) looks pretty happy with it.
Munière Catherine's baby (I Have Had It for a very long time) Looks Quite happy on it.
The quilt will be perfect for my future holiday home. I have not yet begun. I bought the windows, it's a start ... and I took the opportunity to buy the bed.
quilt Will Be The perfect holiday house for my future. I Have not started building it. I bought The Window, It Is a home ... and at the Same Time The Bed I bought.
A big thank you Sylvie - A big thank you Sylvie
Saturday, January 22, 2011
How To Get Different Voices For Magellan
Welcome and new giveaways - Welcome new and more giveaways and new giveaways
Welcome A Litlle More Minis and Minimariba
Welcome A Little More Minis and Minimariba
Some new giveaways - More new giveaways
Friday, January 21, 2011
Marithefrancois Girbaud - Outlet
BERLUSCONI, the Italian Prime Minister no longer concealed his taste for "bunga bunga "..... Heading
"You want to bunga-bunga? "
"You want to bunga-bunga? "
The Silvio Berlusconi returns to the old racist fantasies about the "primitive sexuality".

Between a homophobic remark and a botched joke about Inter, Silvio Berlusconi is once again embroiled in a sex scandal. This time, he would have intervened to free a young Moroccan accused of theft. That previously would have attended several parties at the President's Council. She would have attended among others, according to his statements, to scenes of Bunga-Bunga. This would, according to him, the sessions anal sex group, much appreciated by Silvio Berlusconi. He would have found this practice among the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, who practiced with his harem "African." He himself held the habit of a traditional practice of an African tribe indeterminate.
Information bunga-bunga around has been taken up by many media, Italians and foreigners, a comic Italian even made a song, Waka Waka adapting Shakira.
from revival to revival, like any good rumor or fantasy, the story changes, grows, deforms ... The Bunga-Bunga was now entitled to a double definition of The Urban Dictionary , the best online dictionary for words or ephemeral trends.
The first defines it as
Erotic Ritual Which Involves A Powerful Leader and several Naked Women. "(An erotic ritual involving a strong leader and a number of naked women). The second
"savagely brutal anal gang-rape. Fabled punishment for trespassing On The tribal land of a fictitious African tribe. "A meeting wild anal rape and brutal punishment for imaginary have entered the traditional territory of a tribe of African fiction.
The Bunga-Bunga would also What would jokingly tell Berlusconi by Corriere.
"Two ministers of the Prodi government will in Africa. They are captured by a tribe of natives. The chief of the tribe took the first hostage and asked him: "You want to die or Bunga-Bunga?" The minister chooses Bunga-Bunga, and it is violated. The second prisoner chose him to die without hesitation. And the tribal leader replied: "First-Bunga Bunga, then you die" "
Information bunga-bunga around has been taken up by many media, Italians and foreigners, a comic Italian even made a song, Waka Waka adapting Shakira.
from revival to revival, like any good rumor or fantasy, the story changes, grows, deforms ... The Bunga-Bunga was now entitled to a double definition of The Urban Dictionary , the best online dictionary for words or ephemeral trends.
The first defines it as
Erotic Ritual Which Involves A Powerful Leader and several Naked Women. "(An erotic ritual involving a strong leader and a number of naked women). The second
"savagely brutal anal gang-rape. Fabled punishment for trespassing On The tribal land of a fictitious African tribe. "A meeting wild anal rape and brutal punishment for imaginary have entered the traditional territory of a tribe of African fiction.
The Bunga-Bunga would also What would jokingly tell Berlusconi by Corriere.
"Two ministers of the Prodi government will in Africa. They are captured by a tribe of natives. The chief of the tribe took the first hostage and asked him: "You want to die or Bunga-Bunga?" The minister chooses Bunga-Bunga, and it is violated. The second prisoner chose him to die without hesitation. And the tribal leader replied: "First-Bunga Bunga, then you die" "

"RUBY Bunga-Bunga"
Testicle Cathaterization
Shopping appears on Saturday ..... Shop Lady Mistigris "Sainte-Madeleine .....
^ ^
^ ^
Monday, January 17, 2011
Consumer Reports Best Beard Trimmers
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Welcome Giraultclaude and Carey
Welcome Giraultclaude and Carey
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