The origin of the Lantern Festival is not confirmed, I will not go. Just know that the lantern festival is a celebration that lasts a ten days and closed the New Year period.

mascots and Mingming Liangliang
Each year a different city hosts the Taiwanese festival. This year, Zhunan, a few hundred kilometers from Taipei. I went there yesterday, with two French friends and their son.
On the site, thousands of lanterns of all kinds. Especially rabbits, obviously, but also Mickey, SpongeBob, dinosaurs, dragonflies ...

In the afternoon, we strolled to the site of the festival and were able to attend a dance competition of the dragon.

Plougastel has competition!
We also visited the pavilions created for the occasion, but it was pretty disappointing. It is at night that the show has taken shape. All these and other structures illuminated lanterns gave the site a really magical.

The pin-up guarding the entrance to the "traditional lanterns. I must say I did not understand everything there ...

As you can see, there was a crowd. But that was nothing compared to what awaited us at the station.
It took us over an hour to go from the front of the station to dock. Bypassing the box "window", it would have taken at least 30 minutes. Here is a picture I took in the lobby.

must imagine 4 times more people outside, and at least twice within the station. It was horrible. At first, people were calm. And then when we were at the foot of the stairs, a lady started screaming. Her husband is also placed there, people are upset, it started to grow. We are not far past the panic and we thought we would never reach the stairs! I do not understand that steps have been taken to avoid these problems. People arriving by train thousands found themselves trapped, unable to leave the station, blocked by people wanting to leave. However, the station has two entrances, it would have been easy to establish a sense of movement. The few officers present were completely overwhelmed. I hope there has been no serious incidents. There were many children, it was really dangerous.
It is unfortunate that issues like these can ruin an otherwise wonderful holiday! The authorities can not say they did not know, every year the Lantern Festival attracts hundreds of thousands (even millions) of visitors.
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